

    Sometimes life loses it meaning and seems like too much trouble and the future looks even worse to us.  People who suffer from this common state of mind may often look back on the past and only see mistakes and failures, and they may feel guilty or feel like they are being punished.  These people may also feel very sad or feel like crying.  The may feel tired, down or lethargic.  They may even feel constantly irritated, resentful or angry.  文字方塊:  They may experience difficulty in making decisions.  Very often these people lose interest in other people, in their jobs, in keeping their bodies and clothes clean, in sex, and/or in eating. They often think or say to themselves, “For what?” or “What’s the use?” 


      James Steed can help these people put their past behind them so that it does not get in the way of their future, and help them clear up and brighten up a forward, outward-going, ever-expanding pathway to better future with other possibilities.  You can imagine most people liking this, can’t you?  He helps these people build up their sense of self, which is something they may have lost in their efforts to follow family or social expectations or lost in their efforts to please other people.  He also helps loosen up rigid or outdated modes of thinking and he helps these people undo the need for perfection, which doesn’t exit in the world anyway.  James Steed can also help such people change the color and size of the things they see in the positive and negative situations around them.  These people can learn to let go of the uncontrollable and take charge of those things within their power to change and create for themselves brighter, more meaningful lives with clearer future possibilities.


WARNING: Hypnosis is not a substitute for professional medical or psychiatric care.  Anyone with such problems should seek the aide of trained professionals.


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  Since September 7, 2004