What is NLP?


Simply speaking, NLP® is a way of running your own mind developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the middle 1970’s.  It was originally distilled from the language and methods used my Fritz Pearls, Gestalt Psychologist, Virginia Satir, Family Therapist and Milton Erickson, world renowned hypnotheraptist, medical doctor and psychiatrist.  It also has some roots in the ideas of Gregory Baetson and General Semantics (“The map is not the territory”).


NLP® has a very close relationship to hypnosis, because so much of it was taken from Bandler and Grinder’s studies of Milton Erickson. The most notable difference you will find, however, is you do not need to “go into trance” to get the changes you desire.  Bandler actually believes that we are always in one kind of state or another and we can temporarily elicit any state we want, keep it steady for a few moments and use it.  So, instead of lying back relaxing to sound of your hypnotist’s voice, you can often change while you are talking to the NLP® practitioner or while you are doing some exercises in imagination.  These exercises, some only seconds in length, are used to adjust what they call submodalities, which are the sounds, feelings, colors, brightness, sizes that you use to represent the world and experience the world.  When the submodalities change, the way you view the world changes.  When you view the world differently, you begin to feel and act differently, in ways that are infinitely more comfortable.




  Since September 7, 2004